The Curious Benefits Yoga Has for your Brain

long beach compounding pharmacyAs we become older, our brains begin to age causing changes on the way memories are retained. Once we hit the 40-year-old mark, we begin to lose our keys and even forget names. Recent studies have shown that yoga can lessen the chances of experiencing these symptoms, as we grow older. In a study that involved older adults with early symptoms of memory loss showed that doing yoga and meditation can decrease mental decline that relates to aging.  Your Los Angeles Compounding Pharmacy shares the curious benefits yoga has for your brain with you.

University of California, Los Angeles Research Study

The study was conducted by researchers from University of California, Los Angeles. With the purpose of determining whether or not yoga has an affect on people’s brains, the researchers gathered 29 adults who felt anxious and concerned about their memory. During this study, it was found that there was a mild cognitive impairment that can lead to dementia. After going through brain scans that show brain activities, these volunteers were divided into two groups. One group performed a brain-training program for an hour a week, while the other group did Kundalini yoga and meditation an hour a week. After 12 weeks, both groups were tested again. To a surprise, the group who did yoga and meditation showed better scores than the other group.

The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

The yoga and meditation group showed lower chances of getting depression and also tested better on the visuospatial memory test- a form of remembering necessary for balance. This group also showed less anxiety, lower stress hormones, and an increase of biochemicals that relate to improving brain health. Though it has not been proven that yoga can completely get rid of brain diseases, it can reduce the symptoms due to the movements that occur during this activity.


Los Angeles Compounding Pharmacy

If you’re interested about brain health, the Los Angeles Compounding Pharmacy can provide more information about ways to improve your brain memory.

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